Brandon, 19 ⓘ

Brandon, 19 ⓘ

28 Jul 2018

I had this song stuck in my head so here

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5’11 isfp virgo music loser

Don’t talk to me if you send one word texts
Or if you think reading a lot of books makes you smart
Or that you’re a nerd because you love Marvel movies
Or if your GPA is what you’re most proud about

Hi I’m brandon and I’m almost 20 and scared of people. I speak in phrases but text in paragraphs. My ex cheated on me and my other ex left me and I just called my other other ex and I don’t regret that but I do. I have depression and I’ve given a TEDx talk about it and if you unmatch me because of that word thats OK. Just do it now, not while I’m stuck in traffic for our 4th date.

I talk during movies, more like whisper. What’s the point of seeing the incredibles 2 if you’re not freaking out over jak jak with the person you came with? Throwing popcorn at the screen, laughing. Don’t shush me. I’ll laugh it off if you do but please don’t shush me.

What are you passionate about? What excites you? When’s the last time you smiled, like really really smiled? Mine was when I fell asleep on a bed of puppies next to my ex, everything was quiet and I made her pancakes the morning after. Please don’t stress me out, I don’t need that energy. Please don’t ask me what we are when we haven’t even met. Please don’t pretend you’re pregnant after we fuck just so you can see me again. Please don’t tell everything to your friends afterwards. You can if you want to, it’s your life. I just like when certain things are just us, just ours. My kinks, your domino’s password, my knock knock jokes, your picnic basket. It makes me feel special if it’s just us that knows. Maybe that’s weird.

I don’t know why I still use this, but I do. Usually while I’m pooping or I’m horny and lonely at night. Some people use this for validation, like every match is a cup of coffee. Others want sex because sex feels good and people figured out how to cum with strangers and that still confuses me. People want love sometimes, and phones have become limbs, people go get coffee just to scroll down insta together, take selfies with drake captions. I don’t know what I want but I don’t want that (unless the coffee’s good and you have car sex with me afterwards).

If you talk to me, thank you. If you don’t, that’s cool I don’t want to talk to you either and if I was I’d probably just be doing it for sex, or because someone is better than nobody. I wish I knew how to be alone so I could delete this app. I could disappear, no more streaks or likes or refreshing notifications or stories or Snapchat swapping the layout weekly or Facebook ads about privacy and maybe I could sleep earlier, warmer blankets and I don’t like wearing socks during sex it feels less intimate am I weird for needing intimacy during sex is this too much for you to know?

k bye

Published on 28 Jul 2018 Written by Brandon Dcruz