I Might Have ADHD

I Might Have ADHD

24 Oct 2018

is that cool?

My therapist suggested that I might have ADHD the other day. It makes perfect sense too, I always say that I’m constantly bouncing around ideas and thoughts and art things, and that’s true. Multiple tabs, Atom Ableton Premiere AC Odyssey all open, sometimes I genuinely don’t know how I’ve finished something. But it’s done, and it’s good.

I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety for almost 4 or 5 years now. Medication, therapy every three weeks. It moves. Now it makes sense that I have this other thing, that means more medication and therapy potentially. That means steadier thoughts, more eye contact, less abrasive finicky conversations. I don’t think I want that.

I’m not saying ADHD medication isn’t helpful or that people with ADHD should stop their shit, I just don’t want that right now. I like that I’m scattered. I like that I tell jokes randomly and do a lot of things. I like that I trail off in thought, that I abandon projects if I get bored of them and only roll with the ones that really stick. Is that ok?

I haven’t posted in a long time, sorry. Yesterday I went on a date and she brought me back home, holding my guitar to my doorstep. No high fives or whatever, a hug and a kiss goodbye. That’s one of the nicest things that’s happened in a little while. I like her. She has good memes. I hope I don’t scare her away with my shitty jokes or napping habits. She’s really cool.

Here’s a poem and a shitty recording of a new song. ily coming out soon. <3

Published on 24 Oct 2018 Written by Brandon Dcruz